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F(ab)Fragment of Goat-anti-Rat IgG (H L)

简要描述:F(ab)Fragment of Goat-anti-Rat IgG (H L)
出色的电子显微镜,光学显微镜和组织学化学品;行业的Aurion ImmunoGold试剂系列;zui高质量,zui精确的切片和的耐用性DiATOME Diamond Knives系列,我们的EMS Sputter和Carbon Coaters系列,世界的Technovit嵌入树脂,以及名单。

  • 产品型号:25416
  • 厂商性质:经销商
  • 更新时间:2019-05-09
  • 访  问  量:890

F(ab)Fragment of Goat-anti-Rat IgG (H L)

 Particle SizeCat. #ml Price Cat. #ml Price 
4-8°CUltraSmall254161.5435.00Add to Cart25417.6243.00Add to Cart


F(ab)Fragment of Goat-anti-Rat IgG (H L)


Cross Adsorbed Products

Cross reactivity can be a problem when working with primary antibodies sourced from animal species that are evolutionary closely related to the source of tissues or cells that antigens are to be detected in.

An example is using a mouse monoclonal on rat tissue. With many monoclonal antibodies of mouse origin and some of rat, and the prevailing animal cells and tissues being used in studies likewise originating from rat or mouse, it often happens that cross reactivity occurs, leading to false positive results.

A second problem that derives from cross-reactivity occurs in double labeling, when using primary antibodies from closely related animal sources. With this in mind, Aurion has developed two series of new conjugates:

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