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Biotinylated Albumin*

简要描述:Biotinylated Albumin*
新产品的亮点包括:抗原修复,Formvar和碳支撑膜网格增加1500多种新厚度,产品仅由Electron Microscopy Sciences提供:Nightsea; LatticeAx; Lynx II Tissue Processor; Cryo工作站;公司; EMS-UAR,EMS Cryo-Sem制备系统等等。

  • 产品型号:25290
  • 厂商性质:经销商
  • 更新时间:2019-05-08
  • 访  问  量:820

Biotinylated Albumin*

Biotinylated Albumin

 Particle SizeCat. #ml Price Cat. #ml Price 
4-8°CUltraSmall252901.5399.00Add to Cart25291.6229.00Add to Cart
4-8°CEM-grade 6nm252932.5399.00Add to Cart252941.0229.00Add to Cart
4-8°CEM-grade 10nm252982.5399.00Add to Cart252991.0229.00Add to Cart
4-8°CEM-grade 15nm253023.5399.00Add to Cart253031.4229.00Add to Cart
4-8°CEM-grade 25nm253053.5399.00Add to Cart253061.4229.00Add to Cart


Biotinylated Albumin*

Secondary antibodies have been thoroughly purified using solid phase technique. These purified antibodies allow detection of antigens with mouse monoclonal antibodies in rat tissue or rat monoclonal antibodies in mouse tissue, without causing interfering binding to either endogenous mouse or rat immunoglobulins.

The antibodies can be used for double labeling as well when both mouse and rat primary antibodies are used with other than mouse or rat tissue.

Please note:

Cross adsorption against closely related species may result in epitope recognition with reduced binding force and lower labeling density.

EMS and Aurion would like to inform you that the strongest labeling intensity is usually achieved with the least refined antibodies. Users are advised to take this into account when choosing a product from the Aurion range of anti-mouse or anti-rat conjugates. In case of doubt, our technical staff will gladly assist you in making the best choice.

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